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A New Thing!

Writer's picture: TGTG
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. (Isaiah 43:18-19)

No sooner do we begin to emerge from our second lockdown with stores opening and students finally going back to school, then the warnings come that a third lockdown is inevitable and sooner rather than later! The numbers have once again begun to climb. A small number of malls were opened around the country as a pilot program to test the efficacy of the restrictions imposed on the stores, in terms of the number of people who could enter at any one time. Shoppers had to stand on line for hours waiting to be allowed in and the malls were filled to overflowing as people rushed to do as much shopping as possible before the inevitable next closure. And though it seemed that the program was successful, there is a warning that they will soon close and the rest of the malls will not open due to the increase in numbers.

No one really has patience anymore for closures and there continue to be weddings and funerals which go against the rules and many instances of illegal parties with large numbers of people and of course the weekly demonstrations against the government.

It begins to feel like a “Catch 22” as the lock-down causes numbers to go down which allows things to open up which then leads to increasing infection rate and more restrictions once again! Hopefully the cycle is about to be broken as it was announced that the long awaited vaccines should begin to appear in Israel sometime this month and with the vaccination program going full steam, it was predicted that the pandemic should be behind us by March. May it be!

And in the midst of all the ongoing virus confusion and disunity, Israel is now tottering on the brink of new elections. The political disunity has reached critical mass and it appears that it can no longer continue in its present form. Gantz and Netanyahu are not speaking, having come to an impasse over the budget for this next year. The argument over the budget doesn’t have anything to do with money – just political strategy and if it isn’t signed by next week, the Knesset will automatically be dissolved and elections will be called within 90 days- the fourth election in two years. No doubt there will be a reorganization of political alliances and new parties will emerge, though at this point it appears that elections will once again leave the country with no one party able to muster enough mandates to form a government.

And yet in the midst of all the turmoil, there are new things happening! Israelis are going for the first time ever to Dubai for vacation! And they are very warmly welcomed. Israeli airlines can now for the first time ever fly over Saudi Arabian airspace to the UAE and parts beyond. And there are all kinds of economic cooperation ventures that are being planned with our new Arab friends, not to mention security cooperation as seen by the assassination of the Iran nuclear scientist. There is no doubt that this event had the full support and perhaps help from the Gulf States and of course, the USA. Aliyah is increasing, there is new building happening on almost every corner of this nation and the Sea of Galilee is nearly full – and this after just the early rains and a long dry summer.

Our congregation has now instituted small group meetings in response to the cold winter in front of us and “Zoom” fatigue. We now meet in homes every other week with a maximum of 10 people, (government restrictions allow up to 10 people indoors) alternating with a congregational meeting on Zoom. It has really been a refreshing of soul and spirit to meet this way. It had been so long since we have been able to worship with others live! I have personally felt a renewal as we have gathered in this more intimate setting and an encouragement of spirit as we praise the Lord together!

There are many reports of Israelis interested in the gospel, requesting Bibles and actually coming to faith. Though still relatively small in numbers, it feels as if it is a new beginning and we know that the spread of the gospel can not be stopped! I read in the Israeli newspaper that the number of ultra religious (Haredim) who were leaving their communities has doubled during this time of the pandemic. May it increase exponentially and may we see multitudes come to faith. The enemy will not get the victory!

I felt the Lord gave me the scripture quoted above in the midst of some difficult days as I looked back and missed all that was – not only Eddie but also all that was our whole way of life over the years. And as I looked at the difficulty that was now, God encouraged me with his promise that there really is a “new day” coming and though it will be different, it will be good and full of His life.

As the virus surges and wreaks havoc and destruction in our midst and kingdoms rise and fall and elections come and go, there is a place of peace, trust and hope in which we rest and gain strength; a way in the desert with streams of living water in the wasteland. And though the vision tarries, we will wait for it with joy in our hearts.

Chanukah is just a few days away and as we light the candles and remember the Maccabi’s incredible victory though outnumbered in every way, we will declare the victory of Yeshua, the true light, over the darkness. Even the darkness will be as light in Him!

Thank you for praying for Israel and standing so faithfully with those of us in the Land. May you also be blessed and encouraged wherever you are, as we labor together in Him to see this new day come.

With love from Zion,

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