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And so it continues …

Writer's picture: TGTG

Eight months later and the major story on the news every night is still the Virus pandemic as we finish the 6th week of our second lockdown. Thankfully, the numbers have gone down and so now, again, begins the intense and often volatile cabinet discussions over how to emerge from the closures. Unfortunately, the issues become political, the logistics complicated and as it was in the past, it’s hard to find the logic in many of the decisions. The public remains confused, distressed, frustrated and often angry.

In response to this second long period of closure, many segments of society are simply doing whatever they please, flagrantly disregarding the Corona virus cabinet regulations. While the general public is abiding by the government plan for the gradual resumption of school classes, the ultra religious opened their schools recently for all ages. In one school, several hundred boys were assembled in one big room, against the Health Ministry’s directives. Arabs and the religious are continuing their large weddings and the government finds it impossible to act decisively due to the political implications. In economic desperation, many small business owners are opening their shops before any official permission from the Cabinet.

In another incident, at least 100 Druze villagers forcibly entered a hospital in northern Israel, overcoming the police guards and snatched the body of one of their leaders who had just died of Corona, in order to hold a mass funeral in a village which is already considered “red”.

People have lost trust in their government leaders and the anti Netanyahu demonstrators have pledged to continue until he resigns from office. Also for the first time since we moved to Israel, there are almost daily reports of police brutality. It is as if a demonic cloud of lawlessness, violence, hatred and division has blanketed our country.

In the international arena, Israelis cheer as yet another Arab nation expresses a desire to normalize relations. Sudan is the latest following the UAE and Bahrain. President Trump has promised that there will be many more to follow. This is an amazingly historic moment as the world is being rearranged and realigned. What once was an impossible dream is now becoming a reality!

Israel is eagerly awaiting the results of the Presidential election and the magnitude of what is happening in the USA is felt very strongly here. One Israeli Messianic leader has said that the battle between light and dark in the United States in these elections is one “never before experienced” and is of “apocalyptic proportions”. “The world is transitioning into times that we have not known before.” There is a call here in the Body of Messiah to fast and pray on Tuesday for the election. The results will have ramifications for Israel and the whole world.

This fierce spiritual warfare that we are battling can feel overwhelming in the spirit and is often a challenge to overcome. So many people are talking about the depression and anxiety that they are experiencing. I find that now more than ever, I need to keep my focus on the incredible goodness of God. Who can imagine what God will do as we continue to keep our eyes on Him and declare His goodness in the face of world wide chaos?

I remember so clearly how devastated we were when we received the report that Eddie was found to have cancer in his tonsil several months after successfully completing the initial treatment for brain cancer. To eradicate the throat cancer required an even more rigorous and painful treatment than he had just finished. It was a hard blow! In the midst of trying to regain our emotional strength, I heard God say that though we may not understand all that was happening, we were not victims in this battle. We didn’t have to passively receive the blows. Encouraged by that, we both got up and declared the goodness of God and refused to let the devil steal our victory. We actually became stronger in faith and more determined than ever! This feels like a time such as that.

God is good and He will redeem the current situation according to His heart of love. No matter how heavy the blows, may we stand in faith and take more land for the Kingdom! Let us go forth with confidence in Him whom we trust, with hope and joy in our hearts, and with eyes fixed on the goal of our salvation.

With gratitude for your ongoing faithfulness in support for Zion’s Glory, we have been able to give a generous donation to “” this month. They are working hard to develop their Hebrew only programming which is being transmitted over the internet. Although not yet working at full capacity and without the new website which is still being designed, requests for New Testaments and information are starting to come in. We are optimistic that this is just the beginning!

We are also praying that the difficult situation with the Ultra religious (Haredim) in Israel will also result in a revival in their midst. Our prayer is that they would begin to question the rabbis’ dictates which are a law for them and which affect their lives so deeply. In this day of such disruption of their normal routine, may a hunger for greater understanding and for truth arise in their hearts. These are a people who have dedicated their lives to God but are sadly blind to the true knowledge of who He is and His great love for each one of them.

Please pray for the Word to go forth in power here in Israel and for hearts to be increasingly open as we join with you in praying for your nation to be filled with the power of God. May we stand firmly on the rock and by the power of the Spirit that lives within us truly become the light that overcomes the darkness.

As the Word declares, “….No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

God is good! and there is no darkness in Him. May we walk in His light and

With love from Zion,

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