Zions’ Glory newsletter 8th February 2019
On January 27, I celebrated my 70th Birthday! I had thought of this day so much especially in light of all I have walked through. Achieving three score and ten was a promise I was believing and there are no words to describe how blessed and thankful I am to the Lord that He brought me to this day. The days leading up to my birthday have been incredible and I want to thank all of you who knew and sent me an encouraging word. I had nothing really planned but God did!
I thought that the congregation would probably honor me in some small way but I was totally unprepared for the celebration they had organized. In short, the whole meeting was dedicated to me, including a video they had produced, followed by many people coming forward to speak and pray a blessing over me, presents and even the teaching was focused on who I was to the congregation. Needless to say we were overwhelmed with all that happened. The manifestation of the love of God was so deep and profound – truly beyond! Our hearts were filled with joy.
There was a beautiful birthday cake, of course, and to finish the service, we all shared in a delicious meal made by the different members of the congregation.
That alone would have been more than enough but after that, we went home and had a wonderful family Birthday dinner. My son and his wife and three grandchildren had all come to our Shabbat meeting and the wonder was multiplied manyfold as we continued the celebration of love.
The next day, some dear friends came to bless us in the morning. In the evening, we went to a lovely restaurant with two other couples. And Monday, a wonderful sister had us over to her house. She invited two other young women that we have been close to for many years. Again the food was wonderful but the company and love were far better!
I am so blessed by all the love and appreciation that was poured upon me over these days. Please join us in agreeing that the best is yet to come. Together we will continue to bring forth the kingdom of God here and accomplish what our God desires to fulfill in this time.
Health Update
I am continuing the treatments every other week and will be having an MRI on February 28th. As always, we are trusting God for his miraculous healing power. Stand with us and agree that his word is true and “By his stripes, I am healed!”
Intensifying Spiritual Warfare
We have also heard of several new cases of cancer afflicting some leaders in this nation, in addition to other attacks on people. We were shocked to read of the new abortion law in NY and see it as another level of the increasing darkness that is covering the earth. We had been feeling of late that the spiritual warfare has been intensifying around us and are certain that now more than ever, we need to fix our eyes on Yeshua, the author and perfecter of our faith. The Word says that the love of many will wax cold as the times grow darker. Let us not be those that shrink back but those who press ahead in every situation. God is good!
In 10 weeks Israel will have an election. Israel has a parliamentary system of government and people vote for the party and not the person. The Israeli political scene is also not an easy one to understand with shifting alliances and deals between parties going on behind the scenes in order to
effect the different coalitions. Prime Minister Netanyahu, who leads his party, is campaigning under a dark cloud of a possible indictment. The race is heating up as the time draws near and the other parties endeavor to raise up coalitions that will defeat Netanyahu. He has been Prime Minister for 12 years which is a record in Israel and many people feel it is time for a change. Please continue to pray for God’s choice to lead this country in these very explosive times.
As always, we are so encouraged by your faithfulness in standing with us and we send a huge “Thank you” to all of you who have helped us to get to this day. With all that is within us, we send our love and gratitude and we pray abundant blessings upon you.
We send you our love from Zion,