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January Update

Writer's picture: TGTG

Eddie and Jackie Santoro 24th January 2019

Greetings in the wonderful name of Yeshua. It’s been a full month but before we go into some of the recent reports, we want to take a moment and thank you for being our partner. We are forever grateful to God for you and know that apart from your love and support, we would not be able to do a small portion of all we accomplish. So today, we express a loving “THANK YOU”. We pray every blessing in Yeshua would pour upon you, today and everyday!

Health Update

First of all I want to share with you that I am still fighting the good fight of faith! On my last MRI on January 14th, there was some improvement that showed on the scan and so, Lord willing, we will continue with the drug I have been taking every two weeks. We encourage you to please stand with us and pray together that the cancer will disappear. We are so grateful for each day that we are able to serve the Lord. God is the victory and in Him we are more than conquerors. We thank you for your love and support in this battle.

Happy Birthday!

On January 27th, I will be celebrating my 70th Birthday! When we first received the cancer diagnosis in 2015, this day seemed so far away and almost unattainable but in the grace and mercy of God, he has carried me each step of the way. We have walked through so many challenges and obstacles and we are ready to celebrate life on this memorable day! This is the 42nd birthday I have had in the Lord. God is so good and so faithful! We have a weekend of celebrations happening and will send pictures in the next update.

Ahavat Yeshua

Our congregation is doing very well. The young senior elders, Jonathan and Ariel are doing a great job. Last week, the meeting was dedicated to “serving” and a beautiful vision was presented to encourage everyone to join and serve together to bring forth the purposes of God in Jerusalem in these days. There was a request for additional volunteers in every area and there was a very good response. It was so gratifying for us to witness the congregation drawing together in this and truly becoming one in spirit and heart.

We have a few new and weekly home groups. We are encouraged by the success of these groups and pray that more will be started. We believe meeting together in weekly small groups is vital to relationship building and the overall health of the congregation. People yearn for intimacy which is not easy to attain in a big congregational meeting. Small groups are essential.

Our “Third Generation” meetings are continuing on a regular basis and we have upwards of 30 people who attend regularly. The group was started several years ago and we meet every sixth week. The over “60” crowd are really blessed to have the opportunity to establish new relationships and to deepen those that already exist. We meet on a Friday evening, and have worship, prayer and share a beautiful Erev Shabbat meal together.

Please continue to pray for Ahavat Yeshua and for all that is going on.  We believe that we have a tremedous calling as a congregation in Jerusalem in these last days. The resistance is immense but God is greater always! As we stand united together in his life and love, we will see the victory.  All Israel will be saved!


National elections are now scheduled for April 9th. In the wake of this decision, there have been realignments in the political arena with various leaders leaving their respective parties and joining with others and forming new ones. It’s hard to keep up with all of them! And in the midst of all this, there is the possibility that Prime Minister Netanyahu will be indicted on corruption charges. The big question in the news is whether he will be indicted before or after the elections. It seems that no matter when, he will continue to run for reelection.

Iran and Syria

The situation with Iran has definitely heated up as Israel has continued to strike sites in Syria that are being used as bases for Iranian weapons and military.  Israel is committed to not allowing Iran to gain a foothold in Syria which could be used to launch a military offensive against our northern border. In the most recent Israeli strike on Sunday, over 20 Iranian and Syrian personnel were killed. In response, a missile attack was launched which was successfully intercepted by the Iron Dome Defense System. Iran also threatened that Syria could attack our airport in retaliation.

The situation in Gaza continues to be volatile with Gazans amassing at the border every weekend with riots and clashes with Israeli troops.  There were also some shooting attacks at Israeli soldiers this week and Israel retaliating with air strikes.

Please pray for strategic wisdom for military leaders and the government security council as they they endeavor to stabilize this explosive situation. Pray for the many soldiers who are standing guard on the borders.

This escalation on our northern and southern borders is coming at a time when the elections are demanding so much attention and energy from the government leaders. Pray for the elections in the midst of all that is going on. The outcome is critical and will have a profound effect on this nation’s policies. Pray that no demonic strategy to cause confusion and division will succeed and that God’s choice will win and His purposes advanced.

God is moving throughout the earth and although He really doesn’t need our help, because of His great love for us, He has determined that His purposes will only be manifest through a people who are called by His name. He speaks to us in the spirit and so desires that we move out in what He is saying. In the natural, we are lacking but in Him we have all that we need.  I encourage you to take a step in faith and go after what he shares with you. We may not hear everything perfectly but as we go in obedience, He will lead us, direct us, adjust us and in the end, we will see Him accomplish all He desires.

Again, we thank you for your love and faithfulness. To Him be all the glory.

We send you our love from Zion,

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