Revive Israel
Yad Hashmonah, Israel

We just had a wonderful, week-long women’s workshop. The workshop was designed to gather women to seek the face of the Lord together, to experience working the land together, and to spend time together praying and praising the Lord.
Every day we looked at the life of a woman from the Bible and extracted practical take-home lessons from her example and the things God did in her life. We talked about Hannah, the mother of Samuel. We talked about Miriam, the mother of Yeshua. We talked about the sisters, Miriam and Martha. We talked about Abigail, Ruth and Naomi.
The day we focused on Ruth and Naomi was especially powerful. We felt like we received revelation and breakthrough. There was a believing sister of Muslim background who loves Israel, much like Ruth; she shared her testimony of how she came to the Lord. We saw that we can all be like Naomi, mother figures who embrace those from other backgrounds, who accept others, who give rest and love, who open our homes (Ruth 1:6-18).
We saw that a woman can strongly seek God on a particular subject or a particular prayer, as Hannah did in her fervent prayer (1 Samuel 1:9-28). She prayed and had the desire to serve the Lord. Because her prayer was so powerful, she changed history through her son who prepared the way for King David and KING Yeshua.
We began to understand that as women, we have a spiritual womb that brings life. We need to keep focusing and persisting in prayer with the motherly anticipation of bringing forth new life. This is our calling as women. God places a seed in our hearts that will bring the kingdom with our prayers. We can even change history, praying in unity with one heart.
There were women among us from all sorts of backgrounds – some a little more conservative, some a little less, some younger, some older, and some very new believers.
We were brought into such unity. It was amazing.
These were five very intense days from morning to evening, but each day was filled with so much peace. I was personally very blessed. I grew in strength and the other women did as well. It was a very beautiful week focused together on hearing from God.
Now the Revive Israel discipleship team is preparing a 2-week program in August for young leaders and also preparing the extended discipleship program that will begin in October.