Tikkun Global
Jerusalem, Israel

“I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling...” (Zechariah 12:2)
A major shift has happened in Israel. This shift is significant in relationship to Zechariah 8-14 and the fulfillment of prophecies leading up to the Second Coming.
Two laws have been passed that never had enough votes before October 7th, 2023. Since the Hamas invasion of Southern Israel, events have forced many Israelis to (again!) face the difficult reality that the world system is not friendly to us, and that we are increasingly isolated. All this is serving to unite the Jewish people.
1. Anti-UNRWA Law – The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine started out as an important humanitarian initiative to care for half a million Arabs made refugees in Israel’s War for Independence in 1948-49. But what was supposed to be a short term “band-aid” has turned into a long term, festering wound.
With the support of the nations of the world, UNRWA has become its own welfare mini-state to 6 million (!) Arab/Palestinians in “refugee camps” around the Middle East – the children and grandchildren of the original refugees. UNRWA and the Arab nations around Israel, have perpetuated a whole caste of non-citizens who are taught the “hopeless hope” that one day there will be a glorious Palestinian state for them.
UNRWA’s budget for 2024 is $1.6 billion, greater than the budgets of 39 of the poorest nations of the world! After discovering hard evidence that many UNRWA employees were Hamas members, the Israeli government finally said ENOUGH! UNRWA is now illegal in Israel. A few years ago, this kind of legislation was considered “extreme” and “far-right.” On October 28, 2024 it passed by a huge majority – 92 out of 120 members of the Israeli Knesset.
2. The amendment to the “Jerusalem Our Capital” Basic Law. One of our “basic” laws declares an undivided Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal, sovereign capital (East and West). Yet, for decades, the nations of the world have kept their embassies in Tel Aviv. In many cases, this has been part of the world agenda to force a Palestinian State, with a future capital in East Jerusalem, down Israeli throats, no matter how full of terrorist explosives it may be. From now on, any nation with hopes of a diplomatic or bureaucratic presence in Jerusalem must establish a regular embassy to the State of Israel…and nothing else. In other words, if your nation wants to be in Jerusalem, you can do so by recognizing our capital.
All of this would go without saying in any other nation’s capital, but Israel is not any other nation, and Jerusalem is not any other city.
Both of these new laws are strong expressions of Jewish/Israeli sovereignty over the Land. The world does not like it! For the last 100 or so years, we have seen the same formula: “Israeli sovereignty leads to Israeli isolation.”
There is something deeply troubling to the nations when the Jews are sovereign in the Land promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Why? Because Jewish/Israeli sovereignty over the land hints at the sovereignty of God over this world, and the biblical promises of the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua, ruling and reigning over the entire earth from Jerusalem.
None of this should be too surprising. It’s all been prophesied in scriptures like Psalm 2, and Zechariah 12:2-3; 14:2-3. As events unfold, it is all too easy to imagine how a world coalition could come up against Jerusalem to put an end to this “problem” once and for all. However… “Then the Lord will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights on a day of battle” (Zechariah 14:3 NIV).