The Fullness Formula: God's Word to Israel and the Nations Together - Part 2: Not All Israel is Israel
During the 1st century, in the earliest churches, there was a great crisis concerning how to understand God’s Word as spoken through the...
The Fullness Formula: God's Word to Israel and the Nations Together - Part 2: Not All Israel is Israel
The Lion is Roaring!
Netanyahu's "Blessing and Curse" Challenge
Israelis Seeking God
Trust Drives Out Fear
Family in Trying Times
What is the World Really Afraid of?
The Father’s Love
The Power of Humility in Spiritual Warfare
The Center of Our Knowing - Biblical Inerrancy
The Meaning of the Fall Feasts
We Need to Pray Urgently Now
Live by Terror, Die by Pager Explosion-Hezbollah’s Worst Day(s) Ever!
Multitudes in the Valley of Decision
Jerusalem Descending & the Kingdom Coming
In South Africa
Covered by God
God’s Good Work!
A Role Model for Times of Epic Challenge