Israel Discipleship Community

“For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.” - Romans 8:29
God predestined for us to be like Yeshua – this is the calling of every believer. As Disciples of Yeshua, we walk in His ways. We are called to model Him in our lives. We are not called to be God ourselves. But, as Scripture clearly says, and is our calling, we are to embark on a journey of internal change with the goal of conforming to and reflecting the image of Yeshua.
What does this mean for our lives practically? We must embark on a journey of inner change. We need to allow the Word of God to transform us from within. Through the light of the Scriptures, it is there we see who we truly are. Things come to light that repulse us, we begin to realize that we have character traits that we no longer like. Perhaps we see places of pain, where we have been hurt in the past, or wounds that still ache. In the midst of all this, God, in His love and grace, leads us on a journey of inner healing, on a journey of victory. He floods us with His infinite love, and step by step heals our wounds and frees us from the patterns of behavior that rule our lives. Yeshua binds the wounds of the brokenhearted (Isaiah 61:1). In His love, He gently shows us where we need to surrender and things we need to change to conform to His image.
“And we all, with unveiled faces, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” – II Corinthians 3:18
From glory to glory – I pray to the Lord to transform me into His image. I long to be like Him. I pray He will work in my life even if, at times, this journey of purification of becoming like Yeshua is difficult and even painful.
This is what happened to me the day students arrived for the “Abraham’s Tent” discipleship program. Attacked with a horrible stomach virus, I couldn't get out of bed. I was in so much pain and unable to participate in the program. It appeared the virus was contagious, so I isolated myself in my room to avoid infecting others. I felt horrible. I was angry. How was it possible that I couldn’t be there with them? Why was this happening to me now? After all, I promised our team that I would be there. I was so excited to meet our Arabic-speaking students. Now, I was sick in bed and unable to get up and go out. I began to pray, angry, asking God to heal me immediately. How would they manage without me there?!
In my heart, God convicted me. In prayer, I heard: “Youval, do you really believe that I am good? Do you really know Me?” I began to look inward and all of a sudden light was shed on the things that needed to change. I felt broken. Do I really trust God? I teach others to trust Him, but do I trust Him only? And, if yes, why do I feel so stressed? Why am I angry? What am I afraid of?
Then a change from within began to take place. I surrendered to God in the midst of His love. I threw myself into His arms. I knew that when Yeshua was on earth, in the flesh, He trusted the Father completely. I realized that Yeshua was leading me to a new place, a place of freedom from fear and worry, where I could find complete strength, security, and peace in the arms of our Heavenly Father. After the third day of being ill, I began to recover. I got up and had the privilege of spending the full day with our beloved Arabic-speaking students. I choose to trust God, daily, and there I find freedom, trusting Him, and at peace. The Lord reminds me every day these questions: “Do you trust me? Do you know how good I am?”
“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere.” - II Corinthians 2:14
We are on a journey that requires change from within as we become transformed into the image of Yeshua. We surrender to Him a little more everyday. From glory to glory, we are changed into His image, and we bear fruit, reflecting the image of Yeshua all around us. Our behavior changes, our responses change. Not by force and not because we strive to conduct ourselves the way believers are supposed to conduct themselves. We are changed because we surrender to Him. This inner transformation, sometimes painfully achieved, brings the fragrance of our Messiah. We bring the Kingdom of God to every place that we go. God’s love is revealed through us to those around us as we surrender to Him daily. He reveals truths to us, and as we submit to Him, more and more are transformed into the image of Yeshua.