At 2:00 AM Friday morning, alleged—I only say alleged because they have yet to be captured—Jewish terrorists set fire to a Palestinian home, killing an 18-month-old and severely burning several others. As an Israeli, as a Jew, as a believer in Yeshua, this sickens me. There is no religious or political justification for such horrific acts of violence. This was not a Hamas cell getting ready to carry out attacks, this was an Arab family simply sleeping Friday morning.
The perpetrators are radical Jews in the same way that many Islamists can be called radical—they think God is telling them to do these acts. A star of David along with the word n’kama—revenge was spray painted on the wall. Also, yichi-ay Melech Hamashiah—long live the King Messiah. Of course our King and Messiah takes no joy in murder.

A Palestinian woman scatters sweets as she celebrates with others an attack on a Jerusalem synagogue, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip November 18, 2014. Two Palestinians armed with a meat cleaver and a gun killed four people in a Jerusalem synagogue on Tuesday before being shot dead by police, the deadliest such incident in six years in the holy city amid a surge in religious conflict. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa (GAZA – Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
As I mourn over this vile, heinous act, I struck by the contrast between the way Israelis respond to a Jew killing an Arab series the way Arabs react to a Palestinian killing a Jew. If the tables were turned things would be very different. Let me explain. My educated guess is that for every one attack like this from a deranged Israeli against Arabs, there are fifty or more from the hands of Islamic radicals against innocent Jews.
1. When a Palestinian kills a Jew—it could be a baby or a new father or a whole family—any Jew—there is a great celebration from Ramallah to Gaza, from Jenin to Nablus. Candies and treats are passed out to the public by both terrorists and very proud Palestinian mothers. Here is just one of the scores of stories that display a culture in love with the blood of Jews In fact if you search Google images for Palestinian hand out sweets all you will see are images of Palestinians rejoicing over Jewish deaths.
Yesterday in Israel, as we woke up to news of this horrific attack, the mood was somber. As I took my dog outside to take care of her business, I noticed no celebrations. Soldiers were not giving out sweets or dancing in the streets. There were no religious Jews handing out candies, rejoicing in the death of this Palestinian baby. The nation was sickened.
2. When a Palestinian kills a Jew—and manages to survive—he is often not arrested (unless Israel gets to him first). Even the leftwing former Secretary of State “Madeleine Albright said in 1997 that the PA did indeed have a system of ‘revolving-door justice’ when it came to handling terrorists. They bring the perps in through the front door and let them out through the back.
“I know something about this first-hand. My daughter Alisa was murdered in a Palestinian terrorist attack in 1995. Two of the terrorists who were publicly identified by Israel and the United States as suspects in the attack, Nabil Sharihi and Adnan al-Ghoul, were at one time briefly detained by the PA, and then set free. Three other identified suspects in the attack, Yousef Samiri, Hassan Hamadan, Nasser Hindawi, were likewise enjoying the safe haven of PA territory.” (source)
In Israel, we arrest Jews who commit acts of violence against Arabs. Last summer, in retaliation for the Hamas kidnapping and murdering of three Jewish teens, Mohammed Abu Khdeir was also kidnapped. He was murdered a day after the funerals of the three Israelis. Mohammed Abu Khdeir was not a terrorist. He was chosen at random. His family had no history of crime. Israelis—the overwhelming majority—were disgusted that Jews could do this.
Within days—yes mere days—the Israeli police rounded up six suspects, most of whom confessed to the murder. In the same way the perpetrator(s) of yesterday’s heinous events will be arrested and prosecuted, while Palestinian with Jewish blood on their hands, terrorists roam freely.
Yesterday, Prime Minister Netanyahu highlighted the disparity in responses:
“We deplore and condemn these murderers. We will pursue them to the end,” he said. “They name public squares after the murderers of children. This distinction cannot be blurred or covered up,” he said. (source)
3. Palestinians who kill Israelis are treated as heroes. The Palestinian Authority named a square in Ramallah back in 2010 after the terrorist Dalal Mughrabi. Munghrabi, a female, high-jacked a bus in what became the worst suicide bombing in Israel’s history, killing 37 civilians—12 of whom were children. In May 2010 Palestinian Media Watch reported that at least 12 schools were named after Palestinian terrorists. It is not uncommon for streets, museums, parks, etc. to be named after ‘hero’ terrorists with blood on their hands.
Do you know what street you will never drive on in Israel? Baruch Goldstein Boulevard—or avenue or street. You will never play with your kids at the Baruch Goldstein Park or enjoy a stroll though the Baruch Goldstein square. You know why? Because we don’t glorify murderers. Goldstein carried out the deadliest attack against Palestinians, killing 27 in cold blood.
How did Israel respond?
The Israeli government condemned the massacre and responded by arresting followers of Meir Kahane [a radical], criminalizing [his] Kach movement and affiliated movements as terrorist, forbidding certain Israeli settlers from entering Palestinian towns and demanding that those settlers turn in their army-issued rifles…
Tragedies happen everywhere and while the majority of terror attacks come from the espousers of radical Islam, what is more telling than the acts themselves is how the rest of the culture responds. Today Israel mourns with the Ali Saad Dawabsha family over their loss. Our opposition leader minced no words when he took to Facebook and wrote:
“After we have condemned and condemned again, we cannot — again – return to daily events as though nothing happened.” [It is time for action] “That meets the threat to Israel’s security posed by Jewish terrorists, who endanger us exactly like their brothers – Islamist terrorists.”
Now imagine Mahmoud Abbas [Palestinian president] uttering such bold words? There would be a better chance of finding him passing our candies, as he continues to poison the minds of young Palestinians.