Dear Faithful Family,
Despite the challenges of this past year, God is faithful. His peace that surpasses all understanding holds us in the storm. One of the many incredible things to celebrate this year is the immense support we have received to provide for our family in need. We're glad to report that, through your support, we've been able to steward well the funds entrusted to us and partner with many organizations who are actively working throughout the Middle East.
Revive Israel and Watchmen for the Nations made a call to raise funds for the nations on the Isaiah 19 Highway, and have helped over 3000 families in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, and Jordan.
Following the devastating explosion in Lebanon, we partnered with organizations on the ground to bring the love of Christ to those in need through distributing food and hygiene products, supporting families with limited income, aiding in renovations following the devastating destruction, and providing medical assistance to those suffering.
In Syria, we have been able to partner with a ministry whose mission is to help women and children affected by ISIS, providing them with basic needs and education.
In Egypt, we supported an initiative that covered most of Cairo by providing healthy meals, health care, spiritual and psychological care, oxygen equipment, examination, tests, x-rays, and nursing to families in need.