Tiferet Yeshua Congregation, Tel Aviv

Menny is a very special person who joined Tiferet Yeshua in 2021. Recently after one of our services, Mennywalked up to Debby, the Tiferet Yeshua secretary, and said:
“Debby… I know He is alive because He raised me from the dead.”
When Menny first showed up at Tiferet Yeshua, as an Israeli who had met Yeshua while abroad, he had never even heard Yeshua’s real Hebrew name. He also did not know that there were other Jewish followers of Yeshua.
The Day Menny Died:
After his military service in the IDF, Menny took a trip to the US and ended up staying. In November 2014, Menny was a married father of five children, working in US real estate and construction when he started renovations on an old Victorian building he had bought. The building had been damaged in a fire, but inspections had found the building structurally sound for renovation. While Menny was working over a high gable on the second floor, that section of the building collapsed. Menny plummeted 30 feet and was buried under the building debris. After being airlifted to a nearby hospital, his medical records show that he had no signs of life upon arrival. Miraculously medical personnel resuscitated him and began the fight for his life.
Due to the extent of his injuries, Menny was in a coma for over a year. The way he describes it: “My head was smashed apart. My whole right side is filled with titanium because my bones shattered from the fall.” When Menny finally woke from the coma he had to begin intensive physiotherapy to relearn how to do everything.
He barely remembers those first couple of years. Menny could not speak. He was relearning how to swallow, feed himself, to walk. The doctors determined that Menny had significant brain damage and sent him to a nursing home. Somewhere along the line Menny started speaking again.
It was then he started to share where he had gone and the person he had met—the reason why he was still alive.
“Your name is not in this book”
We found local newspaper accounts of the building collapse, which mention Menny by name and his injury. All of the details he remembers about the accident are accurate. While Menny was in the nursing home, a woman minister from a local church who volunteered there started taking walks with Menny as part of his physical therapy routine. She told him it was a miracle that he was still alive. He then told her the real story of his miracle:
“When I died, I went up into the universe, into the next world. It wasn’t a dream. I came to a man who had an open book on a stand in front of him. I approached him and told him, ‘My name is Menny Mor. Where do I go?’ The man just looked at me. I knew he was the one who was supposed to tell me where to go. So, I ask him again, ‘Where do I go? To the left or to the right?’ Then he said to me, ‘You are not written in this book. I am sending you back to where you came from.’”
To read more about Menny, go to www.tiferetyeshua.org/blog/