The days melt into weeks and the weeks into months! It’s hard to believe that the Festival of Shavuot is upon us! This Saturday evening, the nation will be celebrating the giving of the Law on Mt. Sinai. We as believers will be rejoicing that on this day, two thousand years ago, that same Law was written on our hearts when the Holy Spirit was poured out on those early disciples (Acts 2). This was surely the most momentous occasion in all history since the birth of Yeshua – for the first time, the very life and power of God became available to all men!
On Saturday evening as the holiday commences, our congregation joined with several others in the Jerusalem area will be gathering together to pray for the continuing outpouring of the Holy Spirit on this nation and throughout the world.
On Sunday, there will be the traditional nationwide picnic for believers at Yad Hashmona outside of Jerusalem. Each year, thousands of believers come together and enjoy a day filled with worship led by the various congregations and lots of fellowship, food and fun. The Body of Messiah is growing in Israel and this is a happily crowded event!
Our congregation, Ahavat Yeshua, is doing well and we are seeing an increase in non believers attending our meetings. Several new believers have begun attending as well. This is an answer to prayer! Please do not grow weary in praying. We will see the harvest if we do not give up! The Bible says that we are not to despise the day of small beginnings!
Please join us in praying that this Shavuot would be a special time and that we would see a greater outpouring of the Spirit than any year previously, here and throughout the world. Pray that the picnic would be blessed in every way and there would be a feeling of unity and closeness that permeates the Body.
Just when we thought we were through all the intensity of the elections, the deadline for PM Netanyahu to form his coalition passed without him being able to gather the minimum number of seats which would allow him to govern. This is the first time in Israeli history that an elected leader could not gather the necessary mandates, forcing the nation into new elections in just six weeks. We could feel the collective deep sigh of the nation as we once again have to gear up to go through another campaign and all that it entails. It isn’t easy for us to understand the complexities in the political arena that has caused this to occur and with each side blaming the other – so we pray! Join us as we continue to pray for God’s will to be done and that we will end up with the right government to take us through all that is before this nation in the months and years to come.
Last week, we had a substantial heat wave throughout the country as temperatures soared between 40-46C. Although the traditional Lag B’omer bonfires were canceled due to the high heat and windy conditions, there were still some made and as a result there was an outbreak of devastating fires in various places. Two whole villages were destroyed and fire fighting assistance had to be called in from neighboring countries. Incendiary balloons sent over from Gaza also caused some fires down south as well as some caused by arson.
Please pray for all those who lost homes and property and that it will all be rebuilt quickly.
Health Update
We are sad to report that Eddie’s condition has deteriorated significantly in these last few weeks. Yet as we walk through these challenging days, our heart is overwhelmed with the love of God as he pours out his blessing upon us in so many wonderful ways. One of the most significant was that He provided a wonderful couple to come live with us to help with our every need. This was truly a miraculous provision for which we are eternally grateful. Please pray for Robyn and Rodney as they give so selflessly and with hearts of love to care for the both of us. Pray for health, strength and endurance as we press on in Him.
Even in Eddie’s current weakened condition, his love continues to shine through and our home health workers just love us and love coming to our home. Our doctor, who is a religious young man, said that he feels as though we are more like family than patients. In his words; “Eddie has that effect on people.” We thank the Lord for this witness that goes forth in our greatest trial and in our weakness. May his name be glorified in us and through us and may we continue to touch those with his truth and love. Even as we walk through the “Valley of Baca”, we make it a place of springs (Psalm 84:6).
And you are also one of those wonderful gifts from God. We are so grateful for your unending love and your faithfulness to us. Your consistent support speaks of your commitment to us – to stand with us through good times and the not so good times! Although we can’t be as active as we would like, your ongoing support enables us to continue on and to bless others and to give generously to those who are in need and to those doing a good work here in Israel.