Welcome to 2023! Our Revive Israel Tikkun Global spiritual family is experiencing a beautiful season of change, growth and expansion, and we plan to take the next few months to bring you into the “living room” of our hearts and share all about it! After all, it is your faithful friendship, support, and prayer that have been used by the Lord to strengthen, sustain, and prosper the work we put our hands to here in Israel.
We all recognize that healthy, thriving families grow. They grow in love, vision, and purpose—and they multiply. Revive Israel Tikkun Global is doing just that, and we have great anticipation to share it with you in the upcoming weeks. The Lord is giving momentum and clarity to our collective leadership team to wisely divide areas of oversight, duties, and spiritual covering. As growth comes, new life and new seasons emerge!
You will hear from Youval and Valerie Yanay much more frequently in their role as senior leaders of Revive Israel and the discipleship center at Yad Hashmona. Much growth and expansion are taking place, fulfilling the name “Revive Israel”! This community of Jews and Arabs is serving the Body of Yeshua through community life, prayer, working the land, teaching, and bringing the Kingdom of God to the heart of Israel.
Asher Intrater continues to lead as President of Tikkun Global, together with Ariel Blumenthal as director of the Jerusalem Base, linking arms with many leaders across the land of Israel and the world for restoration, understanding of the Messianic Kingdom, reconciliation between Arab and Jew, and global alignment in the body of Messiah to prepare hearts and minds for the End-Times.
Ron Cantor is focusing more and more on the groundbreaking work he does (in Israel) as president of Shelanu TV, a digital 24/7 television network, getting the gospel in Hebrew to Israelis. Shelanu TV was the only Messianic Channel in Hebrew to ever be on Israeli cable—before being kicked off. For three years now, Shelanu TV has been reaching thousands of Israelis digitally with the message of Yeshua.
As seasoned leaders move into increased leadership capacity, Ron will step away from the hands-on, practical role of CEO and into a position of advisory leadership and counsel.
You are part of us, and we want to invite you to join us in this season of growth. We are grateful to the Lord for you and for His blessing and favor upon the work of our hands here in Israel. Join us in rejoicing over heaven’s purpose for 2023!