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Revive Israel & Revive Arabs?!

Writer's picture: Revive IsraelRevive Israel

Updated: Mar 2, 2023

Revive Israel Discipleship Program

Yad Hashmonah, Israel

Revive Israel held its first all-Arabic equipping session, “Abraham’s Tent” in January 2023. Over the years, several of the staff and participants in our Hebrew language programs have been Arabs, but this time we had a vision for a session specifically in Arabic – expressing that Arabs are not second class citizens in Israel, nor in the Kingdom of God.

One of the values emphasized was walking in the light – transparency (I John 1). There were no walls and no masks, and we accepted each other without judging. This allowed them to open up and feel that they were in a protected environment. The fact that they became willing to share testimonies and issues regarding family relationships was not to be taken for granted, due to closed aspects of Arab culture.

As discipleship facilitators, we realize we cannot ourselves cause growth and change to happen. That is the action of God alone. Our role is to provide a daily framework, to open our families and our homes – and invite the Lord to act. These young people were hungry and thirsty for Yeshua, and they experienced His touch.

We were delighted to have had a fertile week of much new seed in our hearts and the hearts of our Arab brothers and sisters. With one heart we lifted up our prayers and praise. The teaching of the Arabic-speaking team was powerful, and the young people left encouraged.

Testimonies of the Participants:

“S” from Bethlehem

It was a new experience. Through the work in the field I encountered the Lord and understood the parables of Jesus in a deeper way. While tugging the weeds out of the ground, I realized how important it is to clear the soil of your heart. The Lord showed me things that are hidden under the surface inside my heart, like weed-roots that I need to remove so they don’t choke my life.

I understood that plants need sun, water and soil; and likewise I need to take in God’s Word and I need regular time in prayer. My relationship with the Lord is made up of several factors and if one of them is missing I will not be able to live.

While working in the field, I prayed, and I felt the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon me, things that cannot be expressed in words (Romans 8:26-27)

I was very blessed by the connection between creation and the Creator, working on the land and serving God. It changed the way I read and understand the Scriptures.

Community life – without walls and without separation between people I felt like I was at home, that I was in my spiritual family. I saw everyone pitching in at mealtimes, performing their task; and this made me get up and wash the dishes – for the first time in my life. Others were always serving me in this way at home growing up, but here I realized the importance of me being a servant to others.

“M” from Ramallah

From the very first day I was blessed by the times we were together, and I felt like family.

Working the soil was hard physically, but at the same time was a pleasure and joy. It is similar to my journey with the Lord. It is joyful, but there are difficulties and you have to make an effort if you want to see fruit.

During the weeding, the Lord showed me that I should rehabilitate my mindset, restore my ways of thinking and how I perceive things. I know what is right but I don't always do it – God showed me this and showed me at I need to rebuild. I saw that wrong priorities have prevented me from seeing God and hearing His calling for my life. Now I realize that even when I experience loss, I need to believe and know that God has prepared bigger and better things for me. God showed me that this process of getting to the root of things, and of restoration will not be easy. I am now ready to start.

I learned that in creation there is an order that God has established. Everything happens in order. First prepare the soil and only then plant and sow. God blesses what I do if it is done in the order He created and according to His plan. I have to follow His order and plan and not mine. The program gave me a starting point and new hope in my journey with the Lord.

“N” from Hebron

I started reading a book before I got here, and a sentence from the book really encouraged me: “One step at a time.” While praying together in the program, this came up again and again. While we pray and praise we are solving problems in the spirit realm, and every spiritual act has an effect on what happens in our life.

All my life I wanted to reach the invisible spiritual world but I didn't want to go there alone. Here I found a group with which I could dare to enter the spiritual world – supporting and strengthening each other. During prayer, reading the Scriptures, praising and especially while working in the field, God gave me confirmation to take one step at a time because it is not easy for me to say yes to the Lord and submit to Him.

“L” from Jerusalem

I saw the kingdom of God in the program and community life that I was exposed to. I saw His character in them and in the way they behaved.

I'm usually a spoiled person, I don't like working in the mud and cold. But in the program I realized that there is more depth to working in the land, in direct contact with God's creation. There is a spiritual dimension in God's creation as indicated in Romans 1:20.

“Since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities— His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made…”

Please join us in prayer for “S” “M” “N” and “L.” And also for the participants and staff of the 3-monthlong discipleship program we began in mid January, immediately following the above program. Stay tuned for updates. Thanks!

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