It seems bizarre to us that Hamas would start such a confrontation against Israel, in which they can only lose and cause destruction to their own people. I asked a dear Arab friend about this. He responded in this way:
“In recent weeks there have been many protests against Hamas among the people of Gaza, under the slogan, ‘We want to live.’ Hamas has murdered some of the protesters, broken the bones of others and put yet others in jail. The situation is very painful.
As we have seen in the past, when the spotlight gets turned on Hamas, they know how to deflect the spotlight toward Israel, and so they start shooting rockets at Israel.
By shooting the rockets, they cause the attention of the greater Arab world to be taken off Gaza and directed to Israel. It is a diversionary tactic. This happens every time there is criticism against Hamas.
It is so sad. We have many contacts in Gaza; the people have no food to eat. The average salary is about 100 USD per month for those who are blessed enough to even have such work.”
Spinning the Narrative
Another viewpoint voiced from a number of news sources in Israel is that behind the scenes Iran is pushing for escalation, to further its agenda for a massive attack to destroy Israel totally and in the meantime to disrupt any possible compromise and peaceful arrangement.
In any case, the people of Gaza, trapped in the middle of Hamas, Iran, PLO, Jihad, etc. are suffering horribly.
The current situation affects politics in Israel as well. Every group tries to “spin” the narrative in their own favor.
Please pray fervently!