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Update on the IHOPKC Investigation

 December 11, 2024 

Does this Investigation Provide an Opportunity to Hear From Those Accused?

Absolutely. A key aspect of biblical justice is a fair process for both alleged victims and alleged abusers (1 Cor 6:1-6, 1 Tim 5:19). Many justice systems call this “due process,” generally defined as the right of the accused to give a defense. We see due process in the very first pages of the Bible when God presided as judge over Adam and Eve, after they broke the one law of the land and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He allowed each of them to defend themselves before giving his verdict (Genesis 3).

Whenever someone claims they have been wronged or abused—sexually or spiritually—there is an alleged offender. A lack of good investigative protocols can result in justice being denied both to victims and alleged abusers, and injustice on either side of the spectrum is something we must carefully guard against.

For those concerned about the potential for false allegations, it is important to know that advocates in this field are vigorous proponents of proper investigative processes. They recognize that failure to carefully weigh evidence can lead to incorrect conclusions, which ultimately harm survivors and the vulnerable. Allowing errors in any investigative or judicial process can discredit those who have been victimized and taint the integrity of the investigation. For this reason, Tikkun selected an independent investigator (Firefly) with decades of experience in the field of sexual and physical abuse. (

The investigator is making every effort to communicate with those who have been accused to give them an opportunity to provide a defense. No one who has been accused will be ignored or denied the chance to respond to the allegations against him/her. If the accused choose not to respond or defend themselves, this will be noted in the final report. Jim Holler and his team are going to great lengths to reach out to those who have been accused.

Until there is an accusation, the investigators do not know whom to talk to, as they are not working from Internet rumors or what has been reported in the media. They are only working from information provided by alleged victims/survivors who have chosen to contact them and give testimony. Thus far, Jim and his team have conducted over 161 interviews and have received 176 intakes (initial information from a complainant and/or complainant representative.) They are now in the process of conducting follow-up interviews where needed and reaching out to the accused for their responses.

We are on target to have the full report by the end of January 2025. Thank you to everyone who continues to pray for this effort. Please pray for all involved, as the enemy hates transparency and justice. He wants to sow hatred and division. We are praying that this investigation will contribute to the conversation among the Body of Believers about creating effective systems in our movements and congregations that will help to prevent abuse. Likewise, in the spirit of 1 Timothy 5:19, we must follow God's ways of dealing with accusations against leaders, ensuring due process and justice for all. It is vital that we ensure safe ways for victims to report abuses without fear of retaliation or being gaslit, knowing they will be covered, loved, and protected. May God help us!

In Messiah’s Grace,

Asher Intrater

Daniel Juster

Melva Phelps

Richard Cleary

Ron Cantor

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