Harvest of Asher is a Messianic congregation of Jewish and Gentile believers in Akko, Israel, under the pastoral leadership of Guy and Tali Cohen. In addition to cultivating a congregational lifestyle of worship and prayer, they are committed to sharing the Gospel in Israel by developing relationships within their community and serving those in need. They help the poor and needy in cooperation with Acco social services, as well as Acco and other municipalities in the Western Galilee, private institutions and the local Soup Kitchen. During this time of war, they are also working tirelessly to provide critical needs on these three new fronts:
Soldiers in the IDF:
Personal needs — thermal under-garments, thermal jackets, waterproof suits, sleeping bags and vitamins.
Combat Needs — emergency medical supplies, CAT tourniquet, ceramic bulletproof vests, protective gear and tactical clothing including helmets, knee protectors, Leatherman knives and flashlights..
Food/Meals — Financially contributing to the preparation and distribution of 1000-1500 sandwiches a day to soldiers on the northern border with Lebanon, hot meals and barbecues on occasion.

Professional Medical CPR kits for use by Doctors and Nurses and standard first aid kits - to help when emergency response teams are overwhelmed, response times are slowed down in their area and supplies are limited.
Over 140 CPR kits were distributed to Acco and the surrounding communities: primarily those located on or close to the northern border.
60 CPR kits were delivered to Arabic churches in their area as a demonstration of their love and commitment to unity in the Body of Messiah during this difficult time.
150 standard first aid kits to the kindergartens, schools, communities in the Galilee region as well as to soldiers.
Pending request for assistance in providing supplies for public bomb shelters. This includes emergency radios and lighting, as well as basics such as toys and activities for children, mattresses, etc.

Displaced citizens from northern border communities — There are currently approximately 100,000 citizens from northern Israel who have had to abandon their homes and relocate to safer areas. These families left their homes and livelihoods with minimal supplies and for an unknown amount of time. The Israeli government has a system for their relocation and care in place. Help is needed to provide:
Clothing and personal items, food and miscellaneous household items depending on individual needs and living situation.
Note: Escalation of the war on the northern border will change the situation and the numbers drastically.
Harvest of Asher thanks you for your generosity during this time and covets your on-going PRAYERS. The people of Israel need PROTECTION for their souls from the images of horror from the atrocities of October 7th; COURAGE to face the onslaught of fear that hangs over every home where family members have left to serve in the IDF; GREAT RESOLVE as they continue to share the gospel and serve the people in Akko and the surrounding region.

When you partner with Tikkun Global, you are strengthening the remnant through the pastoral and ministry work of Harvest of Asher and other local messianic congregations connected to us in Israel. We encourage you to get to know them personally and support Harvest of Asher directly so they can continue to carry on the important work they are doing to extend His Kingdom.